Margate is not only home to our second shop, it is also well and truly our second home. It is so exciting to be right at the heart of a towns re-generation and to see new businesses opening all the time, helping to make Margate the vibrant place it has become.

Obviously, our opinion is probably a little biased, so we always love to hear that other people love it as much as we do and are discovering for themselves the many hidden gems Margate has to offer. The best thing about a town like Margate is that even as a local, there is still more to discover, places you haven't eaten, exhibitions you haven't seen & shops you haven't been to yet - because every week new things are opening. Margate is a town on the rise and if you still haven't been, there is no time like the present.

Read the new Guardian article by Jimi Famurewa HERE if you don't believe us.


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